Obstacles to achieving self-mastery

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Obstacles to achieving self-mastery

Good morning. 

Growing up immersed in two contrasting cultures has been an incredible privilege for me. Hailing from Nigeria, I also had the unique opportunity to delve into the ancient traditions originating from the east. In afrika households, there is a deep-rooted tradition of respecting parental authority and adhering to conventional career choices such as medicine, engineering, or law, to please our parents. Consequently, I dedicated myself to academic pursuits, acquiring two university degrees, an MBA, and various certificates and diplomas highly esteemed by my parents. However, amidst my academic achievements, I couldn't shake off a sense of emptiness. Despite gaining knowledge on diverse subjects like botany, atomic structure, and political systems, I felt a lack of self-discovery within me.

Introduced to monastic practices at the tender age of four, I began a journey focused on introspection and self-understanding. These practices, involving rigorous mental and physical training reminiscent of Shaolin Kung-Fu, resonated deeply with me. Despite my parents' aspirations for me to excel in the corporate world, I made a conscious choice to immerse myself in this monastic lifestyle, prioritizing self-awareness and personal growth.

In preparation for today's discussion, I was tasked with condensing three decades of experiences into a brief narrative. While this proved to be a daunting task, I wish to convey a core concept that holds immense value in my life—a concept encompassing connection, self-improvement, savoring the present moment, even in moments of idleness, and passionately pursuing one's interests. The theme of today's event, "High, Higher, Highest," evoked a memory of a poignant tale shared by a omoj.


The story unfolds with a man residing near a majestic mountain, yearning to ascend its peak to behold the panoramic view from above. Setting out on his expedition, he encountered a fellow traveler at the mountain's base. Seeking insights about the path and the breathtaking vista awaiting atop the summit, he received detailed narrations. However, overwhelmed by the varying perspectives and arduous descriptions of the journey ahead shared by thirty other travelers, he eventually relinquished his quest. Regrettably, he never beheld the awe-inspiring view from the mountain's zenith.

The moral underlying this narrative is dual-fold: individuals must carve their unique path to success, and while guidance can be imparted verbally, the profound clarity experienced at the mountain's peak remains ineffable. The pursuit of enlightenment, whether through Buddhist principles, Shaolin disciplines, or spiritual voyages, demands dedication to attain clarity. This clarity unveils insights into one's aspirations and the requisite decisions to materialize them.

At this gathering, you will encounter diverse perspectives that may ignite your inner fire. Yet, I refrain from dictating your journey. En route, you will confront challenges—what we term as "the five hindrances" at the east. These obstacles, comprising sensual desires, ill-will, sloth and torpor, restlessness, and skeptical doubts, obscure the mind and obstruct progress.

Acknowledging these impediments marks the initial phase. Embracing their presence, delving into their origins, and ultimately distancing oneself from them pave the way to clarity. Remember, your odyssey is distinct, and surmounting hindrances is imperative to actualize your full potential. If you opt to embark on the path to enlightenment, I'll be eagerly awaiting your arrival at the pinnacle.


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